Fighting Potato Nematodes Together
Sharing knowledge. Finding solutions.
Potatoes & Pests – Actionable Science Against Nematodes (PAPAS) is a team of scientists and researchers focused on addressing the industry-wide challenges in managing potato nematodes. Learn more about our work and how we’re helping growers successfully manage plant-parasitic nematodes.
Potato Nematode Damage
Plant-parasitic nematodes pose a continuous threat to potato production in the U.S., and the viability of international markets for U.S. potatoes. Potato nematodes:
- Reduce yield
- Cause internal and external defects
- Lower market value
- May result in crop rejection

An Industry-Wide Problem
The ongoing difficulty and expense of managing nematodes in potato cropping systems proves a challenge across the industry. Advancements in potato production are not keeping up with the problem.
- Little resistance in commercial varieties
- Lack of damage thresholds, molecular diagnostics
- Few nematicides are available
Let’s fight potato nematodes together.
The best approach for long-term management is to support a systems approach to control.

About Potato Nematodes

Soil Testing

Potato Farmer Resources

For a potato to reach its complete potential as a sustainable crop, a robust strategy for controlling these devastating pests must be implemented.
The PAPAS is a team of researchers, extension educators, and industry stakeholders committed to sharing knowledge and developing solutions to control potato nematodes.