Frequently asked questions about potato nematodes
Frequently asked questions and answers
Have a question about potato nematodes? Learn ways to combat potato nematodes in your fields and more by viewing our most frequently asked questions and answers below.
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A potato is tuber, the swollen part (usually the end) of the stolon. A stolon is an underground stem. Swelling of the tuber is primarily due to the accumulation of starch.
Root knot nematodes
- Meloidogyne chitwoodi (Columbia root knot)
- Meloidogyne hapla (Northern root knot)
- Meloidogyne incognita (Southern root knot)
- Meloidogyne javanica
Potato cyst nematodes
- Globodera pallida (Pale cyst nematode)
- Globodera rostochiensis (Golden Nematode)
Stubby root nematodes
- Nanidorus minor (Paratrichodorus or Trichodorus spp.)
Root lesion nematodes
- Pratylenchus neglectus
- Pratylenchus penetrans
Potato rot nematodes
- Ditylenchus destructor
Sting nematodes
- Belonolaimus longicaudatus
Injury to both above and below ground plant parts affects both tuber yield and tuber quality.
Above ground symptoms:
- Stunting of plants
- Yellowing of leaves
- Die back of plants
- Premature wilting
- Patches of non-uniform growth

Below ground symptoms:
- Sometimes more distinctive
- Decreased root mass
- Galls
- Stubby roots
- Blackened lesions
- Cysts (yellow, white, or tan)
Plant-parasitic nematodes spread through infested soil or tubers.
Detection and diagnostics: determine which nematode is present within a field.
Population level: is it economically damaging? Some nematodes have zero tolerance.
Control: select a profitable management strategy.
No single control method provides perfect protection for a crop, so you may need several management strategies:
- Avoidance
- Cultural (clean seed, rotation)
- Variety selection – e.g. is planting a resistant variety an option?
- Nematicide – soil fumigant, seed treatment, in furrow
- Quarantine for some regulated nematodes
To best plan your management strategy, testing your field annually is recommended to find out the species and level of nematodes present in a field.
Regardless of the type of plant-parasitic nematode found in a field, the most common management strategy is:
- Preplant fumigation
- 1,3-dichloropropene
- Metam sodium
- Post plant application
- Oxamyl
Nematicides are expensive and account for about 10% of total production cost (biggest of all inputs). Many nematicides are no longer available, are being phased out, and are costly.
Prevent introduction
- Avoid contaminated soil movement
- Plant certified seed
- Properly dispose of culls and waste soil
Crop Rotation
- Species dependent
- Multiple cropping strategies
- Extended fallow
- Challenging when a nematode has a wide host range
Quarantine (official regulatory)
- Potato cyst nematodes